Lyrics to lift every voice and sing black national anthem
Lyrics to lift every voice and sing black national anthem

lyrics to lift every voice and sing black national anthem

There are serious things the NFL could do if, as a private organization, it truly wants to make a difference in the lives of struggling Black Americans.

lyrics to lift every voice and sing black national anthem

They should focus on guiding young boys to become better men, and young girls to become strong, independent women.


They should invest in financial literacy programs to help young people learn how to properly invest their money so that they might become successful entrepreneurs. If the NFL truly wants to help Black Americans, the league should invest money in things such as after-school programs that offer mentoring and tutoring for students who struggle with math, English and other academic skills.

lyrics to lift every voice and sing black national anthem

This is what I call “progressive white wokeness,” the belief that symbolic gestures to make themselves feel good will change the position of life of Black Americans. The decision to play “Lift Every Voice and Sing” is nothing more than dressed-up symbolism - and I can assure you that it won’t change the life of a single Black person living in an impoverished, violent neighborhood. Instead, what the NFL decided to do is to not actually help Black Americans. Unsurprisingly, the NFL has been silent on those issues. Black Americans living in these cities plagued by gun violence may be too busy worrying about their children being killed by a stray bullet to watch the NFL game, let alone to listen to the Black National Anthem. These are the places that truly need attention. Louis, Baltimore, Birmingham, Ala., Detroit and Chicago, with their inordinately high homicide rates. But what does that have to do with the living conditions in inner cities that impact many Black Americans? What does that have to do with the increasing levels of violence in Democrat-controlled cities, violence that is spreading across America? I think of St. Now, as part of the NFL’s racial justice campaign, the league evidently is trying to make Black Americans feel good by playing an anthem solely directed toward them. Recently, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell apologized for the treatment of Colin Kaepernick when he knelt during the National Anthem while a member of the San Francisco 49ers. Introducing a second anthem that is specifically for Black Americans seeks only to divide us further because, after all, the National Anthem is for all Americans of all races. Should all Americans find value in the powerful words written by James Weldon Johnson over 120 years ago? Absolutely, and that’s why schools have history classes.

lyrics to lift every voice and sing black national anthem

Should all Americans know about the significance of “Lift Every Voice and Sing?” Yes. However, the woke left is set on finding ways to further divide Americans along the lines of race by adding a song that’s specifically in honor of a single race. Most Black Americans believe in the symbolism and the words from the National Anthem and, frankly, don’t have a problem with hearing or singing it. Unfortunately, once again, the NFL is attempting to placate the woke left and progressive Democrats by adding “Lift Every Voice and Sing” to the beginning of games after first playing the National Anthem. But, with that being said, it is important for all Americans, regardless of race, to have historical knowledge of the song. However, many other Americans may not have heard the song - and that’s understandable. For many non-Black Americans, particularly those who are active in Christianity, it is a well-known hymn. The song itself is powerful in that it evokes the biblical Exodus from slavery to the freedom of the Promised Land. His brother, a composer, set the poem to music and the NAACP then coined it the “ Negro National Anthem” in 1919 because of the poem’s powerful affirmation for Black Americans who struggled for liberation through a violent and tragic history. The song was written as a poem in 1900 by writer and civil rights activist James Weldon Johnson. Now, the National Football League has decided to follow this tradition by playing “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” which many Black Americans know as the Black National Anthem. There has been a longstanding tradition of playing the National Anthem prior to the opening kickoff at football games.

Lyrics to lift every voice and sing black national anthem